The Best of YouTube: Jamie Wall’s picks

Zoo livestreams, some sports shows, history, comedy and cocktails: All the ways to spend time on You Tube.

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    We can’t go overseas for holidays, so make yourself feel better by the state of the world’s most storied theme parks. Defunctland was originally set up to chronicle the history and fate of Disneyland’s rides, but expanded out in a wide-ranging channel about theme park culture and urban myths. If it sounds like a niche interest, you will be surprised at just how much mileage this channel gets out of its subject matter, including a pretty critical analysis of the Disney corporation itself.

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    History Matters

    Ever wanted to know why the Dutch once ate their prime minister? Who won the Cod Wars? Just how close the USA came to being called ‘Fredonia’ instead? The answer is probably not, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t know anyway. Focusing on lesser known episodes in the past and simply why certain countries came into being, these short, animated documentaries pack a lot of information in for you to regurgitate at the next barbecue you attend.

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    Saturday Night Live/Curb Your Enthusiasm

    If you never actually got to watch these American comedy staples, good news. While not for everyone, they both seem to be entirely on YouTube in small installments, with the autoplayer just rolling on to another clip. SNL can be a bit hit and miss depending on whether you’ve actually remembered the cultural touchpoint they are channeling, but Curb doesn’t even need to be watched in order given that Larry David has looked like he’s 75 for the past two decades.

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    Tifo Football

    Even if you’re just a casual football fan, Tifo’s in depth videos on the development of the modern game and current issues are highly watchable and informative. It’s an absolute eye opener as to just how ridiculously influential the sport is around the world, with dark looks at the World Cup hosting rights scandals and how Russian oligarchs ended up controlling Premier League teams. If you can’t stand to be without rugby until it starts again in February though, have a look at Real Rugby, a South African highlights channel with a highly comprehensive collection. Of course, there’s always Rob Moody’s legendary cricket channel as well.

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    Steve The Bartender

    I was going to put a cooking show, but honestly after this year we all deserve a drink. This bloke will show you how to make all your favourite cocktails that would normally cost you a fortune in a bar, plus a whole lot of new ideas from around the world. Handy as if you’re away for a summer holiday and want to smash something other than beers.

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    Live Zoos

    Sometimes it’s just nice to watch a panda chilling in China, or an elephant family wandering in Kenya. There are plenty of animal habitat live livestreams from around the world, where you can check in on your favourites. A warning though: while the chances are the animals will simply be lounging around and eating, there is every chance they could also be defecating or fornicating.