Summer Berry Panettone Pudding


  • 500g panettone
  • 300g fresh mixed berries
  • 1 vanilla bean, seeds scraped
  • 1 litre cream
  • 6 free-range eggs
  • 250g caster sugar
  • zabaglione or vanilla bean ice cream, to serve


  1. Preheat oven to 150°C.

  2. Cut the panettone in half then cut into slices, 10–15 mm thick. Discard the ends and lightly grill or toast. (Be careful, as it browns very quickly.)

  3. Scatter half the berries on the bottom of a 20 x 30 cm baking dish, at least 5 cm deep. Layer panettone slices evenly on top before scattering with remaining berries.

  4. Place scraped seeds, vanilla bean and cream into a heavy-based pot and bring gently to the boil over a medium heat.

  5. Meanwhile, in a separate bowl, whisk eggs and sugar together until pale and creamy. Once cream has come to the boil, remove from heat and whisk into the eggs and sugar. Remove vanilla bean and pour over the panettone and berries.

  6. Place baking dish in a large roasting tin. Pour 600 ml boiling water into the roasting tin and cover with foil. Bake for 40 minutes or until just set. Serve at room temperature with zabaglione or vanilla bean ice cream.